Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's Wishes for the Freers

Here's hoping the entire Monkey clan has a great New Year in their new home. For those not following Flinders Family Freer, they are now in OZ. Dave, Barbs, here's hoping you find it to be all you hoped for and that you settle in quickly.


Rowena Cory Daniells said...

Here's hoping Dave and Barb and the boys get settled in soon.

Anonymous said...

Follow the Yellow brick . . . no wait, they don't want to find a city, Emerald or not. Umm, backtrack.

I hope the rocks of Flinders Island are as beautiful and challenging as you desire, and a bit of land, just right, just waiting for you.

Sarah A. Hoyt said...

May you be happy in Ox. And definitely may you get your intenet up and running soon. We miss you!

Well, I miss you. I'm sure the others do too...

Chris McMahon said...

Hey, Rowena. Now we have three MGClubbers in Oz . . . only four to go:)